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Wanna make your own Linux or Windows CE based Smartphone?

The EM-X270 Smartphone DIY kit from Compulab
Wanna make your own Linux or windows based Smartphone?? Well I am not joking friends.
Yesterday I was just wondering that whether I can make a phone my self? With the looks according to my style? With the features according to my taste? And just after a while I got the answer, Yes I can make a smarter smart phone than what the usual manufacturers do.
You can do all this DIY Smartphone kit from Compulab, a company which specialises in computer-on-modules.

The starting price of the kit is around $122 in the US. Compulab’s EM-X270 Smartphone kit starts at $122 and includes an Intel Xscale CPU (up to 520Mhz) with your choice of Linux or Windows CE pre-loaded. The embedded mobile computing platform includes 128 MB SDRAM/512 MB Flash Disk, Cellular voice and GPRS modem, graphics controller supporting STN and TFT panels with 800 x 600 max resolution, Wi-Fi 802.11b, SD / SDIO / MMC socket, and even an on-board Sirf-III GPS chipset!

According to me what this kit lacks is 2 things, First is 3G, but with the licensing problems and craps I think its fair for the Compulab for leaving out that bit of tech.
The second important think which this kit lacks is the body or panel. But I think a gadget freak who can make this smartphone would simply love to make his own design which would make it stand out in this world from others.

According to the official site "EM-X270 is a full-featured computer board, designed specifically for handheld / mobile implementations. Its functional contents are similar to the latest generation of Pocket PC's and Smartphone’s, including all types of wireless, satellite and cellular connectivity found in today's state-off-the-art mobile devices. Yet, it is designed to serve custom implementations, retaining the flexibility expected from an embedded computer board. Available with an optional display, battery with charger and keypad, the EM-X270 offers a self-contained solution requiring just an enclosure for implementing the final custom product".

So start building your own cell phone right now…..!!

posted by Huzef @ 2:05 AM,


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